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Flushing Gate Sessions


Gate depends on Sprint Boot and Spring Session to manage its HTTP sessions. When Gate authenticates a user, this session is serialized and stored in Redis. This serialization is dependent on the versions of Spring Boot and Spring Session. When there is a new version of those dependencies, users encounter the following error when they try to log in: HTTP Status 500 - Internal Server Error Additionally, Deck redirects the browser to the Gate URL.To resolve the issue, perform one of the following actions:

  • Remove the browser cookie for all users.* Flush all the stored Gate sessions and force users to log in again While option 1 is simple, Armory recommends option 2 for deployments where there are a large number of users.


You must have network access to Redis and have the redis-cli installed. If you do not have the redis-cli already installed, below is the information about installing it. Install and configure the debugging tool Armory recommends using the armory/docker-debugging-tools and deploying it into your Spinnaker namespace. This image contains redis-cli. Run the following commands: kubectl --context $MY_CONTEXT -n $MY_NAMESPACE apply -f

kubectl --context $MY_CONTEXT -n $MY_NAMESPACE exec -it deploy/debugging-tools -- bash


Step 1. Find your Redis URL: Run the following command to exec into the Gate pod: k --context $MY_CONTEXT -n $MY_NAMESPACE exec -it deploy/spin-gate -c gate -- cat /opt/spinnaker/config/spinnaker.yml | grep -A2 redis Capture the Redis url from the baseUrl field in the resulting output, it will look something like the following:

baseUrl: redis://
enabled: true

In this example, you would use, without the protocol and port data.Then, run the following command in the pod you started in your cluster to flush the sessions: redis-cli -h keys 'spring:session:*' | xargs redis-cli -h del

Step 2. Remove the debugging tools When you are finished, you can remove the debugging tools by running the following command: kubectl --context $MY_CONTEXT -n $MY_NAMESPACE delete deployment debugging-tools

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