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Aurora RDS Blue/Green Deployment in Spinnaker Services


Since AWS announced the deprecation of the RDS/Aurora MySQL engine version 5.7, we have been working on a solution to migrate to the MySQL 8.0 engine. For most customers, Administrators can change the engine version and successfully upgrade with less than 15 minutes of downtime. However, the pre-upgrade snapshot process can take hours for large databases and result in a database restart with unpredictable downtime. For customers with stricter availability requirements, Armory proposes an alternative blue/green deployment approach to minimize downtime. For more information about the blue/green deployment, see aws-rds-blue-green-deployments.


RDS Binlog replication

Binlog replication must be enabled on the RDS instance. This can be done by setting the binlog_format parameter to ROW in the RDS parameter group. See AWS Documentation on making this change Notes

  • Enabling binary logging increases the number of write disk I/O operations to the DB cluster.* Reader and writer instances must be restarted for the changes to the parameter group to take effect. For more information, see RebootCluster documentation:With the read availability feature, you can reboot the writer instance of your Aurora cluster without rebooting the reader instances in the cluster. Doing so can help maintain the high availability of the cluster for read operations while you reboot the writer instance. You can reboot the reader instances later, on a schedule that's convenient for you.


Administrators should rely on the AWS Snapshots to have the latest snapshot available. During the creation of the Blue/Green deployment, AWS will take another snapshot of the clusters.  


How it works

The blue/green deployment process can be divided into 4 steps:

Step 1 - Create BLUE/GREEN Deployment

  • Create Amazon RDS blue/green deployment, which will create a staging environment that copies the production environment and is called the GREEN environment.* The GREEN environment stays in sync with the current BLUE environment using logical replication.* The names of the copied DB cluster and DB instances are appended with "-green-random-characters".* BLUE cluster ACTIVE on version 5.7 and the GREEN cluster ACTIVE on version 8.0. Now we have 2 clusters:
  • BLUE cluster: spinnaker with endpoint spinnaker.cluster* GREEN cluster: spinnaker-green-123456789 with endpoint spinnaker-green-123456789.cluster

Step 2 - Switchover

  • Once the GREEN environment is ready, we can start the switchover process.* Switchover From BLUE to GREEN (AWS will handle these steps automatically).* During the switchover, Administrators can expect less than 1 minute of downtime, according to AWS. After the switchover process is completed, we have 2 clusters:
  • BLUE cluster: spinnaker-old1 with endpoint spinnaker-old1.cluster* GREEN cluster: spinnaker with endpoint spinnaker.cluster AWS renames the endpoints in the GREEN environment to match the corresponding endpoints in the BLUE environment so that application changes aren't required. If the switchover starts and stops before finishing for any reason, any changes are rolled back, and no changes are made to either environment.

Step 3 - Cleanup

Clean up the blue/green deployment.

  • Destroy/delete the BLUE cluster.
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