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Windows CPU stress

Windows CPU stress applies stress on the CPU resources of Windows OS VM.

  • It checks the performance of the application running on the Windows VMs.

Windows Cpu stress

Use cases

  • Windows CPU stress determines the resilience of an application when stress is applied on the CPU resources of Windows VM.
  • Windows CPU stress simulates the situation of lack of CPU for processes running on the application, which degrades their performance.
  • It helps verify metrics-based horizontal pod autoscaling as well as vertical autoscale, that is, demand based CPU addition.
  • It verifies the autopilot functionality of cloud managed clusters.


  • Ensure that the prerequisites are fulfilled before executing the experiment.

Mandatory tunables

Tunable Description Notes
CPU_CORES Number of CPU cores subject to CPU stress. CPU_CORES and CPU_PERCENTAGE are mututally exclusive, and if values for both there tunables are provided, the latter takes precedence. For example, if CPU_CORES is 1 and CPU_PERCENTAGE is 0, one of the cores are stressed. For more information, go to CPU cores.
CPU_PERCENTAGE Percentage of CPU core that is consumed. CPU_CORES and CPU_PERCENTAGE are mututally exclusive, and if values for both there tunables are provided, the latter takes precedence. For example, if CPU_CORES is 1 and CPU_PERCENTAGE is 50, 50 percent of the resources are stressed. For more information, go to CPU percentage.
TOTAL_CHAOS_DURATION Duration that you specify, through which chaos is injected into the target resource (in seconds). Default: 60s. For more information, go to duration of the chaos.

Optional tunables

Tunable Description Notes
RAMP_TIME Period to wait before and after injecting chaos (in seconds). For example, 30s. For more information, go to ramp time.

CPU cores

The CPU_CORE environment variable applies stress on the target Windows VM for a specific duration. If the variable is set to 0, the fault consumes all the available CPU resources.

Following YAML snippet illustrates the use of this input variable.

# CPU hog in the Windows VM
kind: MachineChaosExperiment
infraType: "windows"
engineState: "active"
- - name: windows-cpu-stress
- name: windows-cpu-stress
infraId: ""
fault: windows-cpu-stress
# CPU cores for stress
- name: CPU_CORES
value: '1'

CPU percentage

The CPU_PERCENTAGE environment variable specifies the percentage of stress applied on the target Windows VM for a specific duration. If the variable is set to 0, the fault consumes all the available CPU cores.

Following YAML snippet illustrates the use of this input variable.

# CPU hog in the Windows VM
kind: MachineChaosExperiment
name: windows-cpu-stress
infraType: "windows"
- - name: windows-cpu-stress
- name: windows-cpu-stress
infraId: ""
fault: windows-cpu-stress
# CPU cores for stress
value: '50'

If both CPU_CORE and CPU_PERCENTAGE are set to 0, no stress is applied on any of the Windows machine resources.

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